Exhibition America Martin Exhibition America Martin

UNFRAMED (NEW YORK) : America Martin an exhibition at the JoAnne Artman Gallery 2022

Through radical forms and an unmistakable aesthetic sensibility, Martin experiments with line weight and function as a tool for two dimensional representation of three dimensionality. Creating a new balance between solidity, mass, and suggestion, thick lines are filled with the bubbling energy of thin, long scrapes throughout their length – adding both intensity and depth.

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Exhibition, Video America Martin Exhibition, Video America Martin

America Martin : New Paintings at TEW Galleries 2022

Martin’s desire to capture the essence of humanity and nature is central to her engaging work. To underscore how important it is, she refers to herself as a painting anthropologist. Nevertheless, she deals with the same problems that have obsessed painters throughout time—arresting movement, exploring the expressive potential of human form, and arranging bodies in space in novel ways.

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Exhibition, Press Release, Interview America Martin Exhibition, Press Release, Interview America Martin

CONNECTING THE DOTS | a conversation with America Martin

JoAnne Artman Gallery is pleased to present, Connecting the Dots, an exhibition featuring new works by America Martin. Referencing Paul Klee’s statement that, “A line is a dot that went for a walk,” the title serves as a fitting descriptor of Martin’s adept and exuberant use of line. Employing smooth, bold curves as well as hard, geometric strokes, she adheres to the most fundamental aspect of drawing - the line - to tell a story, connecting compositional elements and personal narratives throughout her practice.

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